Big Pig! Remember them? I've still got their cassette somewhere. "Bump"? The Radiators were a regular gig for us. So were Spy vs Spy. Not exactly sure when Ed Kuepper started doing solo gigs...this may be from a bit later, maybe early '90's. But Big Pig...
Oh, yeah. They've recently pulled the Dee Why Hotel down. It's a hole in the ground as we speak.
A great time that was, with classic bands like these.....
Awesome website; we're an up and coming Sydney band, been playing together for some years and finally getting our act together.
LOVED YOUR SITE: was trying to find inspiration and your site is a real treasure, thank you for putting in the effort to make this.
Check out our site,
I'm in the process now of designing the band's posters: any tips for us mate?
Cheers, and great site again.
Big Pig - BONK! I just found their cassete after all these years and promptly fried it in the car - BUGGER!
Thanks! Of course it was Bonk! Where the hell did I get "Bump" from??
Yeah, every now and then I try to play my old cassettes, but they haven't travelled well..You can replace all the old albums on CD for about 5 bucks each anyway.
Dee Why Hotel 1983... mirrored suit.. they don't do it like that anymore do they!
Paul here...The Dee Why to me meant Spy V Spy, and Later, the SCREAMING JETS
The Venue was accesed from the Side street at the Dee why pub - it was one of those Places that had Bands playing but wanted the Dance party Dollar too ...If I'm right you had to wear a Collared shirt to get in which i always thought was stupid...
But I saw many a fine Screaming Jets show there, JUDGE MERCY was another good act (they recorded thier Live EP there - this would be 1991-92 -i remember the Mobile recording unit in the carpark right by the load out area.
But they got many Local acts and somne internationa l ones as well
Ah, I wish I had the opportunity to see some of these bands! I was a bit too young to head out to concerts when they played here. But it's really great that you kept the posters in storage all this while! It's a great piece of history to share.
saw many a band at the venue. Happy hate me nots, Rollins Band, TISM, Psychotic Turnbuckles, Public Image Limited, Celibate Rifles, Johnny Teen and the broken hearts. Did miss out on Faith No More there, but thems the breaks.
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