I wrote on this one "The Undecided". This was a band I played in way back then... hmmm, they must have left us off the bill. I do remember that night though. I was playing keys, and I had a Peavey KB1000 keyboard amp propped up on a table next to me, turned up pretty much full bore. I remember at the time thinking that I was blowing my ears out, well my left one anyway. Just one more occasion which contributed to my current state of tinutis tinitis whatever, ringing in the ears. So stupid. Kiddies: look after your ears!
Did you ever find Bob Emsley? I am hoping he is the same person we are both looking for. He is my brother who I lost contact with from when I was around 18. He moved to Sydeny and was in different bands. I believe he got married also. Both our parents have since passed away but I would love to catch up with him.
My God, I’m looking at this 8 years later... I never saw this post! No, I have never been able to find Bob. I hope you have! So sorry not to reply.
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