I remember Pel Mel. "No Word From China." I was at a gig of their's (might have even been the Governors Pleasure), when the singer girl whose name I will not remember asked the audience for requests. No idea why. My mate Doug, who had had a few, was standing right in front of her and yelled out "Slow Boat to China!" She asked him to repeat. He yelled it again. She did make a point of humiliating the poor guy in front of the whole crowd, I guess he deserved it.
Good on them for headlining over Hoodoo Gurus.
Ahh yes, the Trade Union, before it got shut down because of OH&S, where you could smoke indoors... guess they got too scared the place would burn down, LOL.
The TRADE UNION CLUB was pretty cool....If I remember rightly it had 3 levels and when it was firing you simply walked between levels catching bands in the different rooms - only went there few times - Think I saw Matt Finish there once or twice (I know they filmed a show there with the original band (which you can stil lget from the band through thier website).
If I remember correctly this was the first hoodoos gig in Sydney and one of the first for ya ya
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