Boom Crash Opera.
These guys were good. A few big singles, then they disappeared. Richard Pleasance released a brilliant solo album that I have somewhere. Dale Ryder had a great voice - don't know what happened to him. The band I played in at the time shared management with BCO. No one remembers us though...
Do you remember the name of the band pub in the Cross, it was a multi story place down from the fountain and I saw loads of great bands there..
Google Absolute 80s Band - mostly a Vic band now though they travel. I saw Dale Ryder play with Scott Carne (Kids in the Kitchen) and Brian Mannix (Uncanny X-men)and they were brilliant! An excellent night and highly recommended.
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Paul again!!!
Boom Crash were great - I think they had 2-3 Great albums - everyone will remember them of course for "Onion Skin" (which broke them in a small way in the USA), but they're well worth investigating both for thier albums and live shows
Pretty sure i caught BCO @ The TIVOLI on George and a few other pubs - I also remember them from a S Ent Centre show as well
If you like you can email me at dragonpaul64@yahoo.com
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